Body Awareness (Test)

How much do you know about your body?

Well, not sure everyone knows how it works, or all about it. How easily, it can be damaged, or affected.

In this game, you get to answer a 100 questions, coming from the Brain, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidney, Bone, and Skin. This game, is not all about correct answer, it is about the information, that you will get, or learn, when you answer a question. You get to move to the next question, even if it is a wrong answer. Before you move to the next question, there is a review of the just concluded question, with it's answer, which will show, when you are either right or wrong. You can move to the next question, or go back to home, for some settings.

At any level, even at level two, you get to restart from level one. I advice to do this at level 100, because all progress would be lost, after you reset.


For the sake of the theme (in relation to Patient73 GameJam 2024 - AI or "Artificially Intelligence"), and quick development, at first, about, or almost 100+ questions, to 170+ questions, were generated by AI.

The questions, were later depreciated to about 80 to 99 questions. All successful questions at this level, went through search, at about 80% to 99.9% of the questions. Some questions were generated based on present knowledge, and still underwent search, to clarify, them.

This is to inform all medical personnel's, or experts, that the questions, in this game, is only based on AI generated questions, and ant level head knowledge, with few atoms of questions generated based on search results. Which means, the questions, and answers, would, may or may not be correct, or agreed upon.

Some incorrect answer, may not look appropriate, for the the question, suggestions, are advised.

Whilst the game jam is on, and after, all criticism of any questions, at any level of the game, would be welcomed, for feature update.