
RGB is a color code. it is used to represent how much "Red, Green, and Blue", is in a color. RGB starts its Value from 0 to 255. The values for each color is usually separated by a comma (,) or a semicolon (;). The Color is usually represented as RGB(255,255,255), RGB(255, 0, 0). If all values are "0", the color would be "Black", if all values are "255", the color would be white, then if a (one of the) value is "255", the color would either be: "RED", "GREEN", or "BLUE", depending on the position of the value. this kind of value (color code) is used in a lot of applications, from painting apps, on your devices, to many other softwares. Some apps or softwares, do not use semicolon or comas to separate there values, instead, the use text input, for you to input your own value for each color (RED, GREEN, BLUE), which will then be computed to bring out another color, or a desired color.

This game would bring more into knowing different colors and there value in RGB Format.

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